Saturday, February 03, 2007

Daily backup of a laptop

Thanks to Gerald Gibson Jr.'s great article I now have a free way to do daily backups of my laptop. Windows natively supports the zip format (as "compressed folders"). The article is a C# program that generates ZIP files using the Shell API.

(Be sure to get the latest version from Gerald's web site)

My app zips several important directories into zip files in c:\zip. Then, using a free account at I upload the zip files daily. The free account has a limit of 1 GB and each file must be less than 10 MB. But for 5$ a month you get much larger maximums.

Not the finest solution; but it'll do for now. KISS.

Update: A Mozilla plug-in called GSpace turns your GMail account into a FTP site. Each file you upload becomes an e-mail. GMail now has 2.5 GB of storage.

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